The 5-piece suite SOLD through iNVISeDGE in 2003 for $395– it was one of the first items I ever sold on ebay (back in 2003). These days I’d value the exact same suite at about $740.
Background Info and Provenance
This description was written in early 2018.
This type of thing proves that good vintage design will always find a place in the market. They’re doing replicas of this type of patio suite today (written in 2018) in cheap metal alloys that rust within a decade and end up as landfill. This suite was over 50 years old when I sold it back in 2003 and was still going strong. Even the original seat vinyl had made it through the years! The suite was in strong and together condition- sturdy and solid- and was ready for another 50 years of use (or more). The metals they use today in similar suites weren’t around in the 1940’s so if you come across a suite like this that’s over 50 years old it’s a great investment, not only for yourself but our environment.
If you have a suite like this you’d like to sell you’ll need at least 10 photos that are as good as those shown in this listing. Plus photos showing the chairs underneath. If your photos are good we’d be happy to represent a suite like this on your behalf and achieve the price a suite like this deserves (around $740).