
This sofa SOLD in 2015 for $1895! This listing has been uploaded for research purposes and for people to express interest in buying or selling a similar item through iNVISeDGE. Click on the links below to express your interest.


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Background Info and Provenance

(Written in 2015)

NOTE- I sold this piece for $1895 in 2015. If I found this exact piece again (highly unlikely) I’d price it at around $2150 (new value given in 2018).

A HUGE 4-seater sofa from the 1950’s measuring 250cm-long made by Paul Kafka in Sydney. (The people I bought this sofa off purchased it from a highly experienced dealer who sold it to them as Kafka- I think it’s Kafka too!). This piece is as solid as rock. As good as some Parker pieces are this piece exceeds the quality of Parker lounges with no question. This design is similar to a couple done by Parker (but better) and Kafka did this piece about 10 years earlier! This Kafka design has a “Mad Men” feel to it- similar designs by Parker are more conservative in looks. The quality of Kafka’s work has long been praised- his early background was in furniture construction. His aptitude for design is also obvious when we see this piece and explore his body of work. Kafka’s work appealed to the discerning clientele of Sydney back in the 1940’s and 50’s- his business grew so quickly that by the late 40’s he needed to move premises from Elizabeth St in the city to Botany Road, Waterloo. In Waterloo he employed 20-30 tradesmen to create custom-built furniture principally for high-end clients living in the Eastern suburbs (we bought this sofa from a stunning home in East of the city). Kafka’s business thrived into the 60’s (but later changed focus to hotel fit-outs) and then closed in the late-60’s. Kafka died in the early 1970’s. His work is collectable these days and much sought after by furniture connoisseurs but it was a small operation compared to what we see today- his work is rare. Furniture showing expert craftsmanship such as this is a dying artform (although the likes Jimmy Possum, Mark Tuckey and a few others are keeping it alive).

I did a trawl of the internet before this listing. There were a few amazing Kafka pieces in the sold inventory of various dealers and two current listings I could find- one for a pair of carver dining chairs ($2950), the other for a small two-seater sofa ($3800).

This piece has been re-upholstered which I think increases its value in this case. I only say this because the leather is absolutely premium. I love the character and natural aging process. Only the HIGHEST-QUALITY leather ages like this. I was told it was re-upholstered 10 years by a dealer in Sydney who sold predominantly to the high-end market- his shop was close to the city. The people I bought it from couldn’t remember the type of leather it is. (I think it’s full-grain aniline leather.) After 10-years of use it looks amazing- it has a great patina, nice character but NO damage AT ALL. I love the inconsistencies in tone and minor signs of use- to me this is what makes the piece. Painted leather (which is the norm) would have probably made this piece look too heavy and bulky.

The lounge is also comfortable- this goes without saying- you can see the angles and the firm support in the photos. You certainly don’t keep sinking down in this piece and pray to God you’ll be able to fight your way out when it’s time to get up. Comfort-wise, you’ll find few better- with this lounge you can also lie out on it … completely, which is also hard to find.

4-seater vintage sofas are rare, Kafka’s work is rarer and sofas upholstered in leather this high in quality are as rare as hen’s teeth. We see similar designs still being done (about 60 years later!) vouching for the timelessness of the piece but in saying that this piece has an interesting edge I’ve not seen before.

Investing in vintage furniture is a great way to go- work of this calibre is a solid investment. If a sofa looks like this after 60-odd years of use you have confidence in both the quality of the construction and design. Kafka’s work was built to stand the test of time and it has not only done this but it has thrived for decades. If you decide to invest in this piece and need to sell years later, approach me, I’d be happy to represent it again. There are very few better ways to invest in your home and our environment.

NOTE- This description was written in 2015. Some information and values will be time-sensitive so may no longer apply today.