
SOLD to KEN for $1495 (for all 6 chairs) within 3 days of being listed on the iNVISeDGE website. This set of 6 vintage dining chairs sold UNDER CONSIGNMENT from my client’s house in North LakesNorth Brisbane. The listed price INCLUDED our commission fee. If you have a similar item you’d like to sell get in contact with us. Our commission fee for private sellers is 18.5% if you can get good photos of your item/s.


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SOLD to KEN for $1495 (for all 6 chairs) within 3 days of being listed on the iNVISeDGE website in Nov 2019.

This set of 6 vintage dining chairs sold UNDER CONSIGNMENT FROM MY CLIENT’S HOME IN NORTH LAKES, North Brisbane. ($1495 for all 6.)

Provenance and Background Info

A set of SIX VINTAGE Danish-style dining chairs. I have no idea who made these which is a great thing- it’s very likely you won’t see another set like this again! What I know for certain is that these chairs are vintage – c. late-1950’s or early 1960’s and they’ve been incredibly well-made. They EXCEED the quality of the much-celebrated Parker chairs of the same era plus I like the design a LOT more! Look at that sculptural flow- they have a beautifully curvaceous shape with graceful lines- look at the authentic vintage fabric too! These are as cool as you’ll get. The typical Danish-style dining chair of the same era are starting to bore me sh*tless these days! They just seem to be everywhere at the moment. I’ve even seen replicas made from plastic-resin to mimic timber (as you do!). There are hundreds of them in various restaurants. This has killed it for me. Don’t get me wrong- I love the authentic vintage chairs in those styles- but this design is different which makes them more special. (And they’re made from real timber- I can’t believe the day has come where I have to explicitly state that!)

I’m not a timber expert but I’ve learnt a few things about timber over the 18 years I’ve been doing this. I believe these are Coachwood- the figuring in the timber looks like Coachwood to me- the stain matches them in with other furniture of the era. This stain is the ORIGINAL finish from 60 years ago and is extremely durable- it still looks great after all these years.

These chairs tick every box including comfort. These are MORE COMFORTABLE than the most-popular Parker dining chair of the same era- they’re beautifully padded (seat and back) and have brilliant angles- you’d be very hard-pressed to find dining chairs in this style that are more comfortable. The other thing I want in the items for my home is solid investment appeal. At this price this is obvious. No-one (not even the Chinese sweat-shops) could create and produce these OUT OF SOLID TIMBER for less than this (they could probably do it out of plastic-resin for a similar price but who’d possibly want those for their home?) Coachwood was predominantly used in AUSTRALIAN furniture production in the late-1950’s (by the early-1960’s they stopped logging this timber). This fabric is VINTAGE but what’s incredible is it’s NOT the original fabric! This is SECOND-GENERATION fabric- they were re-upholstered in the 1970’s. I really like this fabric- it’s neutral and has a quirky vintage look with character. Underneath the chairs show evidence they’ve been re-upholstered (it’s not the fabric from the 50’s). And this type of fabric they used in the 1970’s is very hard to kill! Look at this upholstery after over 40 years of use.

This brings us to DURABILITY- probably the most important factor to consider when buying anything for your home. These chairs have been built to last- I predict they’re 60 YEARS OLD! They’re really well built- the maker has cut no corners. You’ll notice the attachments underneath are stainless-steel- I’ve never seen this in a dining chair. With normal use they should never have any significant condition problems. Right now (after about 60 years of use) EVERY chair is in rock-solid condition with no structural defects at all (no movement in any joint area etc). The most popular Parker dining chairs from the 1960’s (that currently sell for $650 PER CHAIR- ie. $3900 for six) are not as good in quality as these. I’d love to know the manufacturer- I could be looking at the timber wrong and they could even be Danish- I’ve never seen this design before so just don’t know.

Vintage Danish chairs have  risen in value for the full 18 years I’ve been in this business- there were huge spikes in value during the early 2000’s but even over the last 8 years there have been noticeable and steady gains. These chairs will certainly not lose the majority of value the second you buy them like those plastic resin chairs! (Good Lawd- what will they do next?)

Investing in VINTAGE furniture is a great option- when vintage dining chairs look like this after 60-odd years of use you have no better guarantee of the quality you’re getting before you even fork out a cent. After most dining chairs have ended up as landfill- this set will be passed onto yet another owner and then onto an entirely new generation. There’s no better way to be socially and environmentally conscious when buying items for your home and there’s no better investment financially for your home that I can think of either!

UPDATE 2020- These may have been designed by Portwood of the UK. Still not completely sure.

Ref- 1911