
This suite SOLD in iNVISeDGE for $1800 in 2007 for all 6 chairs. This listing has been uploaded for research purposes and for people to express interest in buying or SELLING a similar item through iNVISeDGE. Click on the links below.


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Provenance and Background Info

(We sold these chairs in iNVISeDGE for $1800 for the 6 back in 2007. These days in 2019 I’d price the exact same set at around $2200.)

I’ve decided to paste a more recent description I wrote about this design here. These chairs sold in 2007 but the description was written in 2015.

A set of SIX sculptural dining chairs with Danish influence by the highly regarded Australian company TH Brown & Sons. This set was made by hand in Adelaide in the early 1960’s. I believe this is a Danish design TH Brown and Sons won the license to produce. From what I read (a long time back so you can’t quote me on it) TH Brown won this license ahead of other Australian furniture firms at the time because the Danish designers had the confidence they’d create the design to the same standard as Danish producers.

This design is a favourite of mine but I get these chairs rarely. There is a multitude of reasons for this which I won’t go into here. In the last 3 years I have only stocked two sets in this style. Whenever I photograph these chairs there’s a flow I fall in love with all over again. (After 11 years I still love this design just as much as the first time I saw it- probably even more.)

These chairs are at the height of sculptural elegance. The refined sophistication appears simple but when you look closely you realize it’s not. This is furniture craftsmanship at its finest.

I’ve often passed up other sets in this design because there’s been something wrong with them (from neglect and abuse). I have carefully checked over every chair in this set and guarantee (here in writing) that there are NO old breaks, NO repairs, NO issue that affects the structural integrity of any chair at all. After about 50 years of use EVERY chair is rock-solid and sturdy. That sounds incredible but it’s the result of the inner joints being crafted to inter-lock perfectly at every corner. This is rarely done in furniture anymore so you have to keep going out to buy more. (I sold a similar set of these chairs in April 2014 and the customer left a positive feedback around May 2014. Click on ebay feedback.)

This design by TH Brown is a lot stronger and more durable than virtually every other design in this style. Additionally, the comfort is excellent (a lot better than similar designs such as the FLER 64)- the back on these is higher and the curve is quite pronounced which aids the comfort. These chairs also offer solid investment appeal. Over the last 11 years I’ve seen these TH Brown chairs increase in value. I can’t think of anything else you’d want in a chair.

These chairs can sell for as high as $500 a chair by experienced dealers ($3000 for six)- written in 2015. Many modern dining chairs end up at as landfill within years but when sets of vintage chairs look like this after 50 years of use buyers have full confidence in the quality they’re buying. There are very few better ways to invest in your home and the future of our environment.