
Price is AU$235. Please note that the price is in Australian dollars which is significantly less American dollars. CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FOR SALE from Brisbane but it can be posted worldwide Postage will be minimal- in a thick tube it will weigh less than 1kg.


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Price is AU$235. Please note that the price is in Australian dollars which is significantly less American dollars.

Background Info and Provenance

An Alan Frederick SUNDBERG original serigraph in colours created in 1980. This piece is entitled, “Birds”. It has a fascinating display of shapes, colours and linear work. It’s a complex work of art- the more you look, the more you see. I can see birds- standing, sitting, even taking flight. I love the contrasting colours- it’s a startling and fascinating piece of work. I’ve never come across anything quite like it before.

The painting on offer here is an artist screen-print (serigraph) done by Alan Sundberg. This print is hand-signed in the bottom left corner. It was printed using time-honoured techniques that are being lost in the modern world. The silk-screen printing process is complicated and time-intensive. I remember doing silkscreen printing at school! The process is all done by hand so this is an original piece of art with a high level of prana (life energy) nothing like the machine-done prints from many art framing shops. What’s more, this piece won’t be seen again- I doubt there are any others in Australia.

Alan Frederick SUNDBERG is an artist who was born in the United States in 1948. The artist’s works have gone up for sale at public auction 60 times, mostly in the Drawing-Watercolor category. His Book of Drawings in watercolour sold in a Sotheby’s auction in 1985 (Drawing-Watercolour).

It is recorded online that one of these screen-prints was bid up in auction to US $314 – the equivalent of AU $465.  If you believe artist jobs should NOT be given to machines consider investing in hand-made paintings or prints- this is the best thing you can do to support artist’s jobs instead of multi-national corporations. There are very few better ways to invest in your home and reduce your carbon footprint.