
We sold this table for $395 back in 2006! I’d sell the exact same piece for around $495 these days. Since this listing appeared online ( in our sold inventory in 2018) we’ve had various enquiries from people wanting to buy it. If you have a similar item to sell get in contact with us! For dealers, you pay us what you think our services our worth. If you’re benefiting from our service, pay us what you think will keep us in business.


Out of stock

Background Info and Provenance

(Written in 2018). We would list this vintage item in iNVISeDGE in 2018 for $550. If you run a small business or you’re a hobbyist who regularly sells items like this get in contact with us. NO COMMISSION FEES! You only pay us what you think our service is worth- we are here to help you get your business off the ground and get fair prices for your items!