This listing price is for the BLUE vintage creature only. This piece sold within 5 days of being listed in iNVISeDGE back in 2017 for $289.
Background Info and Provenance
(Written in 2017- some information may change slightly over time).
A deep blue mythical creature most likely made by Bitossi in the late 1950’s- it kinda looks like a horse and chicken have gotten together, had some fun and created this interesting hybrid! I think it’s the most interesting Bitossi creature I’ve come across. I love the shape! It’s creative, draws you in and has a fantastic free-flowing essence. I’m pretty sure this is early Bitossi or possibly by Alvino Bagni who intitally worked for Bitossi and then opened his own studio years later. Bagni pieces are generally worth more than Bitossi because Bagni’s studio was smaller so items were done in smaller runs. This piece fits in with that because I’ve seen very few in this design over the years. Whether done by Bitossi or Bagni it’s CERTAINLY vintage and has very high collector appeal. Bitossi creatures have gone through the roof in value recently (I just can’t get them like I could 5 years ago which is why I’ve had so few recently).
This is a genuine VINTAGE piece made by hand– guaranteed. There have been recent re-issues of Bitossi pieces but they are nothing like the vintage originals. The new ones are plaster poured into a mould (they look mass-produced and are). They don’t have the hand-made quality of these vintage pieces. There are ebay sellers (and 1st Dibs sellers) labeling the new ones as “authentic” and “retro”. They are not authentic and certainly not retro- they are re-issues (copies) of the vintage originals. All the re-issues of each animal have all come out of the same mould- all the patterns and decoration are identical for each shape. THIS IS AN ORIGINAL VINTAGE BITOSSI PIECE- 100% GUARANTEED HAND-MADE & VINTAGE. This design has not been re-issued and the “Italy” base marking is vintage as well. There are also various other aspects of the construction that point to it being an original.
This particular shape is RARE- I’ve seen a handful in the last 15 years and three of them are shown in the first photo! (Note again- this listing is for the BLUE creature ONLY.)
The real beauty of owning Bitossi pottery is knowing it won’t be in vogue for a season or even a couple of years before ending up in the bin. These HAND-MADE pieces are around 60 years old and more popular than ever. There are very few better ways to invest in your home and reduce your carbon footprint.
PICK-UP . . . from 30 or 40 minutes North of BRISBANE city is accepted but postage is preferred as my home is hard to find. Because of this I will nominate a friend or family member for you to collect the item from if you need collection. Pick-up in person must be worked out prior to purchase- thank you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ POSTAGE is offered internationally. All our Decorative Arts pieces are delivered through AUSTRALIA POST. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ POSTAGE ESTIMATES. . . . ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To BRISBANE- most of our pieces cost $15 - $18 to send. . . To SYDNEY or MELBOURNE- Small Vase- around $20 - $23, Medium Vase- around $20 - $25, Large Vase- around $24 - $30. Let us know if you need an EXACT COST for postage prior to purchase. The above postage estimates include $2.95 for a signature on delivery. . . INSURANCE against being lost or broken in transit up to the value of $200 is included in the estimates above. If your vase is cheaper or more expensive than $200 this will effect your postage fee slightly. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A BOXING FEE of $3.00 is included in the fee above to cover the cost of searching for and storing used packing materials. With the millions of cardboard boxes that end up as landfill every year we don’t believe in supporting the manufacture of boxes for post. Instead of buying new boxes and packing materials and passing this cost onto our customers we spend considerable time sourcing used boxes and then fashioning boxes to fit each item. We do the same for bubble-wrap and foam pieces. This requires a large investment of time, energy, ingenuity, organization and storage space- it is much easier and cheaper to buy new packing materials but I can’t justify taking the easy way out when so much packing material ends up polluting our earth. Our $3.00 charge does little to pay for the time (and storage) needed do this and to pack your item (there is also the time needed to get your package to the post office). This is something we’re happy to do for our customers and the environment. We appreciate your support in this area.
We accept DIRECT BANK DEPOSIT. We send photographic ID of the store owner (Michael Grealy) to all customers at the point of sale, along with media articles about iNVISeDGE with photos of Michael Grealy in them (most of these articles are about 10 years old). Your payment will be paid into an Australian ANZ bank account under the name Michael Grealy (or iNVISeDGE). Please read our ebay feedback spanning more than 15 years for irrefutable proof of our online trading history and reputation. Ebay feedback can ONLY be left by LEGITIMATE PAYING customers! Additionally please be aware that in Australia ALL consumers are protected BY LAW if the goods or services they buy are not as described. (But this should be of no concern- in our first 15 years of trading we have over 1150 positive ebay feedback comments and ZERO negative feedback comments.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
On occasions a DIRECT BANK DEPOSIT can be made at the time of collection. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
On occasions CASH payment when you collect your item may also be available. Confirm prior to purchase if you need this. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other payment methods are available but problematic and may incur additional fees. Tell us prior to purchase if you are unable to feel 100% confident with our trading history and payment methods so we can negotiate something else with you.
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