
SOLD for $179 in the first few weeks of being listed back in 2018. Today in 2022 I’d price the exact same piece at $280. Keep following our NEWLY LISTED Category or follow us on Instagram!


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SOLD for $179 in the first few weeks of being listed back in 2018. Today in 2022 I’d price the exact same piece at $280. Keep following our NEWLY LISTED Category or follow us on Instagram!

Background Info and Provenance

      A vintage Bitossi pottery vase / pot made in Italy in the mid – 1960’s. This piece is well marked to the base and as a bonus retains (what I believe is) the original retailer’s label from the 1960’s. I did a quick Google search but being a foreign language had no luck trying to guess words that would help bring up the right information. The names are German so the pot was most likely retailed in Germany back at the time it was made. This piece is a lot more sophisticated than regular Rimini Blu pots. This pattern is from the “Spagnolo” (Spanish) range designed by Aldo Londi from around 1963 for Bitossi and produced into the early 1970s. The patterning has a “free-flowing” essence- the usual Bitossi patterns are quite geometric and mathematical- this is a lot more creative. The other aspect of the design that impresses me is the combination of hand-painted areas and the rough clay at the top and bottom left as is and clear-glazed. I’ve only really seen this on Bitossi pots and they tend to fetch a decent bit more money- there must be many people out there who also love this combination of decoration and the rustic unfinished quality of the clay. It brings home the earthy primeval quality of this medium which has been largely forgotten with all the pieces coming out of Chinese factories these days. Many modern “pots” don’t look like pottery at all. (Much of it almost looks like plastic and is actually made from similar chemicals.)

     There have been recent re-issues of Bitossi pieces but they are nothing like the vintage originals. The new ones are essentially plaster poured into a mould (a machine could do it and does). They don’t have the hand-made quality of the vintage pieces. There are some ebay sellers labeling the new pieces as “authentic” and “retro”. They are not authentic and certainly not retro- they are re-issues (copies) of the vintage originals. All the re-issues look exactly the same- all the patterns and decoration are identical on every piece. The “Spagnolo” pattern has not been picked up by the new manufacturers. If you look at this piece it’s very obvious it’s been hand-shaped and the decoration has been impressed into the clay by hand. If you really look at the new “Bitossi” pieces you can see they’ve come out of a mould.

     If you believe artist jobs should be given to people and not machines consider investing in HAND-MADE art. When you do you’re not only bringing the creative energy of true artisans into your home you’re also helping to preserve our environment- items made in factories with chemicals and machines use more carbon and produce toxic by-products. Hand-made pottery is made with REAL CLAY (from the earth not a chemist!) and REAL PEOPLE.

     Above all the real beauty of owning vintage Bitossi pottery is knowing it won’t be in vogue for a couple of years or even one season before ending up as landfill. These 50 to 60 year-old pieces will continue to tell stories from one generation to the next.