
This vintage Gambone bull SOLD through iNVISeDGE for AU$695 back in 2013. Today in 2020 I’d certainly price one of these at quite a lot more IF I ever found another. SOLD! NOTE- our prices are in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS– $695 AU is significantly less in American dollars.This listing has been uploaded for people wishing to express interest in buying or selling a similar item through iNVISeDGE and for research purposes. Click on the links below to express your interest.


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This vintage Gambone bull sold through iNVISeDGE for AU$695 back in 2013. Today in 2020 I’d certainly price it at a decent bit more IF I ever found another. SOLD- not in stock! NOTE- our prices are in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS- which is significantly less in American dollars.

Background Info and Provenance

A VINTAGE Gambone bull made in Italy around the early 1970’s. This piece was created by hand by Bruno Gambone. As the son of Guido Gambone, one of the greatest ceramic artists of the 20th century, Bruno was born into the world of pottery. He began working with ceramics in his father’s Florentine workshop when he was only 14. Bruno’s work is more sophisticated than his father’s and artistically more expressive. I prefer Bruno’s work over his father’s. Guido’s work has skyrocketed in value since his death in 1969 and from my research Guido’s animal sculptures fetch around AU$2500 but often more. Bruno’s work is just as respected and I’ve seen his pieces starting to get up near his father’s. Bruno’s work will be one to watch in the future- he has a large repertoire of fascinating designs, his work continues to be exhibited in prestigious galleries throughout the world and continues to win major awards.

I have never seen a Bruno Gambone piece in Australia (they are rare even in Europe). I’d say this bull is possibly the only one here (or one of a very few)- it’s size and shape would make it very hard to transit here.

This Gambone bull has been in my own collection for several years now. I love it more now than I ever have- but parting with inspiring designs is part of this business. I love the contrasts this piece presents- the charging aggressive stance and the smooth flow of the curvilinear shapes and form. The piece has a flowing essence that captivates that soothes in a strange way at the same time.

The real beauty of owning Gambone pottery is knowing it won’t be in vogue for a season or even a couple of years before ending up as landfill- this design is over 40 years old and is just as popular today as it ever was. The hand-made quality of these pieces draws people in- the heart and soul that comes through will continue to speak to people regardless of their age or background. There are very few better ways to invest in your home and the future of our environment.