Provenance and Background Info
This PAIR sold for $495 for BOTH through iNVISeDGE way back in 2005. These days in 2023 I’d price the exact same pair at around $1000. PAIRS like this are extremely hard to get. This listing has been uploaded to let regular iNVISeDGE sellers know I will stock something like this again. If you’re a buyer, keep following the iNVISeDGE website or our Instagram page as we will be stocking a pair like this soon.
Check out those legs! (<insert wolf whistle here>) lol !
Constructed in the early-1960’s when the Danish-design movement was reaching its peak, this pair oozes stylish sophistication. Pairs of vintage bedside cabinets from this era are hard to get. This is because the pair concept on each side of the bed only became popular in the mid-to-late-1980’s. Back in the early-1960’s there was usually one bedside table and a dressing table on the other side (along the wall) with a mirror and small stool for the lady. (Politically incorrect by today’s standards- men can apply make-up too!)
This vintage pair of bedside tables may have been made by Burgess, Australia (Melbourne) otherwise they’d probably be Danish. In 22 years of trading I’ve not come across this design again which leads me to think they are more likely Danish (or European).
I will say that iNVISeDGE is all about providing lifetime investments to our clients. Nearly all these teak vintage storage pieces were made out of chipboard. It shits me. The construction is expert. These makers invested all that workmanship into these pieces and used bloody chipboard. These pieces were not flat-packed but made as proper cabinets but chipboard has been used. I’ve now decided that if you put a piece of glass or perspex on the tops, you then have a lifetime investment. The construction itself is honest- they are well-made pieces of furniture- using bloody chipboard was plain-stupid in my eyes. The stylish elegance outshines virtually anything that has been made since which means pairs of vintage bedside cabinets have found favour amongst furniture collectors the world over. This particular pair has design flair that matches (or even surpasses) what was done by Parker Furniture at the same time.
Investing in vintage items reduces landfill and preserves the earth’s energy for other purposes- this pair of vintage bedside tables were built to last. The photos above show them after 40 years of use- if they are used with a little sense they will last forever.