SOLD to KIM within 7 days of being listed on this website for $2500 in 2019 (from North Brisbane) before it was listed on any other sales platform including social media. Keep following the NEWLY LISTED Category on this website.
The listed price here was for the 3-seater sofa only.
EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY. EXCEPTIONALLY RARE in Australia. BEAUTIFUL comfort. Stunning but restrained Danish design. The HAND-woven detailing in the leather upholstery gives it character that most Danish lounge suites don’t have. The leather is thick, luxurious and beautiful to touch- GUARANTEED to be FULL-GRAIN LEATHER- I’ve had a leather expert prove this to me. Full-Grain Leather is rarely used in any furniture anymore as it’s so expensive. Quality FULL-GRAIN leathers can retail for AU $300 a square metre today. This lounge suite is so high in quality they’ve also used FULL-GRAIN leather all over the back of each piece as well (which is never done anymore except for a few prestigious suites such as B & B Italia that can retail for AU $25,000 and more). Corrected and split leathers are used in virtually all furniture these days but these leathers are not the same (and barely can be called leather at all). Hopefully I’ll get a chance to write a blog about this one day. Pigmented full-grain leather (which this is) is more durable and holds up to use better than any other leather on the market. Full-grain leather is a LOW-MAINTENANCE item. It needs to be cleaned, particularly in summer when sweat and body oils can seep into the leather. It also needs to be moisturised with a good leather conditioner about 3 – 4 times a year depending on how often you use air conditioners etc (air-conditioning dries out leather). Cleaning and conditioning leather is NOT time-consuming (conditioning a 3-seater sofa will only take you about 5 minutes- a suite like this is certainly easier to care for than textile lounges which can stain easily and need specialised steam-cleans over time. Many people get enjoyment out of conditioning leather because this is when you really notice the difference in texture and grain patterns in each leather piece and it reminds you that full-grain leather is a FULLY-NATURAL product (and a by-product of the meat industry). Cows are farmed for meat not for leather- leather is a by-product from the beef industry and not the primary reason cattle is farmed.
This suite exhibits De Sede styling (particularly with the beautiful HAND-WOVEN detail around every edge) but this is a DANISH design by Aage Christiansen for Erhardsen & Andersen (designed in the early 1970’s). It was a successful design and is most commonly referred to as the “Matador” (but I’ve also seen this design labelled the Ambassador design). It boasts beautifully refined styling synonymous with all Danish furniture but with the hand-woven detailing it also has subtle wow-factor.
AGE. Very late 1970’s – early 1980. I have a receipt from when this suite was purchased but I can’t read any of the handwriting except the word, cognac (describing the colour of the leather). It was sold in a shop in Denmark (a retail shop in Vesterbrogade, the main shopping strip in Copenhagen). I can clearly read the prices. The FULL suite sold for the equivalent of AU $5500 back in February 1980 (24 750 D. Kroner). That’s out of Denmark- transport to Australia would put up this value up to about AU $6000 at that time. That was a small fortune in 1980. You could buy a house and land package in most Brisbane suburbs for $60,000 in 1980 (4 bedroom, 2 bathroom brick house). With inflation $6000 is worth about $20,000 today (I’ve checked this out on various websites). (But a $60,000 house and land package sold in 1980 is NOT worth $200,000 these days- more like $400,000!) Unfortunately all the letters on the receipt run into each other badly (it’s doctor’s scrawl!) and it’s in Danish so I can’t predict what letters could be. The old letter b for example could be a b or le or li. And then there’s the letter o with a dot on top which I can’t type into Google. The receipt is on a professional printed letterhead of the retail store it was purchased from- the suite was not purchased from the manufacturer.
For something that is 39- almost 40 years old and has had use in the main lounge room of someone's home, the full suite is in excellent condition overall. This is FULL-GRAIN LEATHER over the FULL suite- even the back which is virtually never seen in furniture anymore. For the 3-seater sofa, the leather on the back, sides and armrests is in brilliant condition for a piece of this age. The leather on all the back cushions is in remarkable condition. All cushioning, the inner steel springs in the seat section and the structure of the sofa is in brilliant condition with no damage at all because it's all top-quality. The leather on the seat cushions is in excellent condition and presents very well. One cushion has a few minor shallow cracks forming in creases. (Only about 3cm long). Because they're in creases they are not noticed. I only noticed them when I got the suite out into the sun. They are near the edges of this seat cushion. There are minor signs of age on one other seat cushion but nothing that warrants a specific mention. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is thick leather (top-quality). The range of photos clearly show the condition of the suite after 40 years of use. Use the magnifying tool to get close and personal with the suite. There is no reason why this sofa shouldn't look very similar to this after another 40 years but this may depend on how you look after it. Leather is a natural product so it should be cleaned regularly- particularly in Summer to prevent sweat and body oils seeping into the leather pores. Full-grain leather also needs to be conditioned about 3 times a year. For this sofa it would take about 8 minutes to condition the leather. It's not a difficult job- I personally like conditioning full-grain leather. When you condition it, it becomes plainly obvious it is a natural product with all the different textures and grain patterns in the leather. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The 3-seater sofa has two of the black plastic tips on the sled base missing. These are at the back of the sofa though so are not ordinarily noticed- see the photos. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The 3-seater sofa measures- 211cm across, 82cm deep with a total height of 72cm. For freight the height is 68cm because the back cushions can sit flat on the seat. Seat height- 43.5cm. OTHER PIECES ARE AVAILABLE SEPARATELY AND DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN IN EACH LISTING.
VIEWINGS, PICK-UP and Delivery Freight Info ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
This item is located in SYDENHAM, 8km South of SYDNEY City. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
VIEWINGS . . . of furniture items will usually be possible (all furniture is in storage though). Send me a question and your phone number and/or email address if the photos and description don’t meet your needs. I can arrange an agent to go to the storage site if needed. Read my 1150+ ebay feedback comments (ALL for vintage furniture/decor SALES-100 or so are from repeat customers). I have had no negative feedback in over 15 years selling on ebay and this has been my full-time occupation. This is your guarantee that I work hard to describe my stock as accurately as possible and will not stock items I can’t personally recommend. Some items I acquire don’t end up in iNVISeDGE because they don’t make the grade. (I sell these under a different user-name on ebay.) I have had furniture items go all over the world (sight unseen) and do everything that’s reasonably possible to make my customers happy with their choice to support my business.
PICK-UP . . . is accepted- professional delivery is preferred. This item is heavy and will require 2 strong people for pick-up. PLEASE NOTE- I live in Brisbane and run this business from Brisbane. PICK-UPS and VIEWINGS will be facilitated by a sub-contractor (someone who is NOT an employee of iNVISeDGE). I recommend that customers use a specialist furniture carrier for larger furniture items- these people know what they’re doing and come with what’s needed to look after your investment. I’ve seen too many customers try to force things in the back of 4WDs or put something in a trailer not protected. (If you’re hiring a trailer it makes no sense- the cost of professional delivery is comparable to hiring the trailer!) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We help customers with freight arrangements in every way we can BUT booking in transit (and paying for freight) is the responsibility of THE BUYER. I made a conscious choice to get rid of my vehicle in 2009 (for environmental reasons) so I have a depth of experience in the area of furniture freight. I will inform all iNVISeDGE customers of the transport carriers best suited to their job, what each carrier charges and their strengths. CUSTOMERS WILL BOOK IN THEIR OWN FREIGHT so they’re in control of what’s happening and will know exactly what’s going on. At any time though customers have the option to consult with us. Our experience in the area will ensure you’re looked after and the freight process will be seamless and easy. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A ROUGH IDEA OF FREIGHT PRICES by specialist professional FURNITURE carriers. . . LOCAL DELIVERIES tend to be ABOUT $70 to $100 for a ONE-MAN delivery (for ONE standard sized item eg. 3.5-seater sofa or a set of 6 dining chairs). If you live over 25km away from the item, delivery will be AROUND $120 but it depends on various factors such as access issues and when you can receive the item. Sydney is a little more expensive compared to Brisbane (as another example) . . . . . . . “Normal” INTERSTATE DELIVERY (eg. Brisbane to Sydney OR Melbourne to Sydney) is generally about $250 for ONE standard-sized item (eg. a 3.5-seater sofa or a set of 6 dining chairs but it can depend on various factors. Sometimes it will be cheaper- $250 is about the average. Smaller items are less than $250. If you have a really big sofa (as an example) it will usually be around $280. These prices are given so you have a rough idea of whether interstate delivery might be an option for you. If you are unsure about it all please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
We accept DIRECT BANK DEPOSIT. We send photographic ID of the store owner (Michael Grealy) to all customers at the point of purchase, along with media articles about iNVISeDGE that have photos of Michael Grealy in them (most of these articles are about 10 years old). Your payment will be paid into an Australian ANZ bank account under the name Michael Grealy (or iNVISeDGE). Please read our ebay feedback spanning more than 15 years for irrefutable proof of our online trading history and reputation. Ebay feedback can be left by LEGITIMATE PAYING customers only! Additionally please be aware that in Australia ALL consumers are protected BY LAW if the goods or services they buy are not as described. (But this should be of no concern- in our first 15 years of trading we have over 1150 positive ebay feedback comments and ZERO negative feedback comments.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
On occasions a DIRECT BANK DEPOSIT can be made at the time of collection. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
On the rare occasion CASH payment when you collect your item may also be available. Confirm PRIOR to purchase if you need this. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other payment methods are available but problematic and may incur additional fees. Tell us prior to purchase if you are unable to feel 100% confident with our trading history and payment methods so we can negotiate something else with you.
Click on "About iNVISeDGE" at the top of this page to find out more about iNVISeDGE.