
Currently AVAILABLE for sale OR FOR HIRE! Enquire within. Price is negotiable. You’d have to be prepared to pay OVER $11,000 for this piece- it’s irreplaceable.


Out of stock

Price is negotiable. You’d have to be prepared to pay OVER $11,000 for this piece- it’s irreplaceable.

Provenance and Background Info

(Written in 2018)

An exceptional sideboard HAND-CRAFTED in solid Tasmanian Mrytle by Marcus Gillespie. The auction centre I purchased this from in 2006 informed me this piece was made around 1970. When I acquired the piece, it was meant for immediate sale in iNVISeDGE because I didn’t have the money to hang onto it but I had several good sales at the time and it soon found its way into my own lounge room. Since then the piece has followed me round and resided happily in every house I’ve been in (about 8!) … but my current place is very small and no matter how hard I try it can’t fit anywhere. I’ve even considered knocking out half a wall to find a spot but eventually thought this was ridiculous so the piece is now in storage (and probably will be for years). Instead of seeing it gathering dust I’ve decided I could possibly bring myself to part with it.

I’ve tried researching Marcus Gillespie over the 15 years I’ve owned this piece but have found very little. This is a good thing in my eyes- there’s obviously so little of his stuff out there he flies under the radar but make no mistake it’s not because Gillespie lacks talent. You only need to glance at this piece to see that has cabinetry skills may well be second to none. I’d say Gillespie is a true artist and doesn’t want any attention so therefore his items are not “put out there”. More recently a small article on Gillespie appears if you Google his name with the word furniture as well. (Here’s the link … https://glasscentralcanberra.com/tag/marcus-gillespie/ ). This article centres around a custom-built cabinet he created in Canberra to turn the corridor between the Courtroom and Magistrate’s office into a separate room. I was told Gillespie lived in country NSW when I purchased this cabinet 15 years ago- he may live closer to Canberra these days. Gillespie obviously lays low and his work draws his clients to him. The Courtroom cabinet he created drew many gasps and OMG’s when it was unveiled but in all honesty they haven’t seen this cabinet yet! The Courtroom cabinet is special but I don’t think it does what this one does. I trawl furniture constantly (it’s my job to) and all the Danish cabinets I’ve seen (held up on pedestals at giddy heights) don’t compare with this piece. In my opinion Schulim Krimper pieces are in the same league as this and Krimper’s items can now raise $40,000 and more in auction.

I have a strong affinity for this design. The design represents infinity to me- The Infinite. A drop of water hits the pond and the water ripples out in concentric circles until they can be seen no more- but do the circles continue after the naked eye can no longer perceive them? Like Pi, concentric circles could be seen as going on infinitely. All circles never appear to have a definite beginning or end. This cabinet is not just awe-inspiring but it invokes a feeling that doesn’t escape anyone who’s ever seen it in person.

The cabinet is SOLID timber (NO “PARKER SIDEBOARD CRAPPY VENEER” HERE!) and has been EXPERTLY CRAFTED BY HAND so even with just a bit of care it should last forever. Items like this sideboard are the reason I do this job. They ignite inspiration in us all- they tick every box and prove that great design and careful workmanship lives on. This HAND-CREATED piece is bound to tell stories well after you and I have gone. There’s no better way to invest in your home and reduce landfill.