


The listed price ($550) is for ONE DQF 2-seater sofa. We have 4 VINTAGE DQF pieces available in this design. This suite SOLD under consignment from a private vendor in BUNDABERG, Queensland. This listing has also been uploaded for research purposes and for people to express interest in buying OR SELLING a similar item through iNVISeDGE. Use the link on our CONTACT US page.


Out of stock

Full suite SOLD for $2000!!!

The LISTING PRICE IS FOR ONE 2-SEATER SOFA ONLY. We have a second 2-seater sofa AND also a PAIR of matching single-seater armchairs available from the same suite (priced SEPARATELY). The PAIR of singles will be listed in iNVISeDGE in our NEWLY LISTED Category shortly. Priority will be given for offers of $2000 for ALL 4 pieces. Express your interest in multiple pieces early as we’re prepared to break up this suite.

This suite is being sold under CONSIGNMENT from Bundaberg, Queensland. I travelled to Bundaberg to specifically work with this furniture. Other DQF furniture from this private household will appear in our NEW LISTED Category soon.

Background Info and Provenance

A VINTAGE 2-seater timber sofa. This sofa was made in Murrarie, Brisbane, in 1980 by Danish Quality Furniture (DQF). This was one of the last suites DQF ever made before the onslaught of Chinese-made furniture hit the market and forced virtually every Australian-furniture business out of the market. (To my knowledge DQF lasted until the mid-1980’s before they could no longer compete with cheap imports.) Despite 40 years of EVERY DAY use, this suite is sturdy and very SOLID, thanks to TOP-QUALITY (HONEST) workmanship. DQF pieces are known for their use of exotic timbers and elegant, “un-ornate” designs, combining the styling of Danish furniture at the time with their own original twist. The unique, minimalist design here has been beautifully crafted BY HAND. The curves are stunning and showcase the beautiful Papua New Guinea ROSEWOOD timber. This is a highly-prized timber and by the mid-1980’s, New Guinean Rosewood was in such demand it became outlawed to protect virgin forests. These days items in ROSEWOOD are highly sought-after due its rarity and beauty. (The timber alone is worth this asking price.)

These private-sellers still have the original 1981 invoice from DQF. (I love the type-written entries and “old-school” cursive writing on the receipt.) These two-seater sofas sold for $550 EACH back in 1981 directly from DQF (this was also a sale-price because my clients were repeat DQF customers). WITH INFLATION, $550 is worth about $1750 today. This design couldn’t even be made in China today for this asking price. You’re getting highly-prized ROSEWOOD timber plus HONEST workmanship at a fraction of it’s real value. NO shady workmanship here- why throw your money into landfill any longer? This suite will retain its value (AT LEAST) while you get to enjoy having it and using it in your home.

Stunning design, vintage investment appeal, durable construction which leaves comfort and practicality. This suite needs re-webbing (and I recommend re-upholstery as well- this is second-generation upholstery- this suite was re-upholstered in the mid-1990’s). After new re-webbing, this suite will be very comfortable. (The depth of seat is perfect for comfortable sitting.) The practicality of this design is also a big advantage. Lounges with loose cushions sitting on a timber frame are the most practical you can buy. Re-upholstery is CHEAP & EASY (this 2-seater sofa would cost about $180 – $200 to get re-upholstered plus the cost of fabric). This makes the sofa the PERFECT choice if you have children or if you’re renting out your property to strangers. DON’T skimp on your fabric- get the very nicest upholstery you can. A quality fabric will be easier to clean, will take longer to show wear and will also feel nicer to sit in.

The story of DQF is one of inspiration and ingenuity. This Danish immigrant family revolutionised the furniture market in Brisbane from the early 1960’s until the early 1980’s, through grit, determination and a genuine love for what they were doing. Type, ‘’DQF” into our SEARCH box above to find other iNVISeDGE DQF listings if you have interest in reading the story of Danish Quality Furniture (DQF).

The appeal of investing in vintage furniture is simple. When an item looks like this after 40 years of use you have irrefutable evidence that this item will last the long haul. Buying vintage furniture is also one of the best ways to INVEST in your home and reduce landfill. (99.2% of the items iNVISeDGE has sold over the last 20 years have INCREASED in value.) After re-webbing and re-upholstery this suite will be of service for another 40 years (at least) before being passed onto yet another generation. It’s a win – win – win. You’re not only investing in something that will retain its value (at the very least), you’re also reducing your carbon-footprint (by eliminating needless landfill) AND you’re supporting iNVISeDGE, a locally-owned, locally-run SMALL business providing meaningful employment opportunities in our LOCAL community.