
SOLD UNDER CONSIGNMENT from a regular iNVISeDGE seller in NORTH LAKES, North Brisbane in April 2020 our buyer paid an additional $240 for freight to Sydney. This was a special markdown price during the first COVID-19 lockdown (when the world virtually stopped). This listing has been uploaded for people wishing to express interest in buying or selling a similar item through iNVISeDGE and for research purposes. Go to our CONTACT page for further information.


Out of stock

The PAIR of matching swivel chairs SOLD in April 2020 and went to Sydney. The 2-seater sofa and matching fixed chair then SOLD in early May 2020 (also during lock-down and was delivered to Warwick, Western QLD.

BUY HERE WITH 100% CONFIDENCE from a small business that’s been selling vintage furniture EXCLUSIVELY ONLINE for almost 20 years! 90% of the items we’ve listed over the past 20 years have sold to buyers SIGHT UNSEEN (most of our customers live at least 500 km away from where the item they buy is located). We have the expertise to make your online trading-experience as pleasant as it can be.

This suite SOLD UNDER CONSIGNMENT from a regular iNVISeDGE seller in NORTH LAKES, North Brisbane but delivery Australia-wide can be organised for a reasonable additional fee by a business who’s had almost 20 years experience at it!

Background Info and Provenance

(Written in 2020)

FLER swivel chairs designed by Fred Lowen and Ernst Roddeck in the mid-1960’s. (Price is for one chair only- this price was marked down during lockdown- but we have various pieces available from this suite.) This design, called the FLERENA, came out several years before the famous T21 by Tessa- the T21 draws strong inspiration from this earlier FLER release. FLER re-branded to become TESSA in 1969. I like this design just as much as the T21. It’s more minimalist compared to the T21- the exposed timber frames are classy and stylish. The timber will also add warmth to your space.

Tessa T21 swivel chairs are arguably the most sought-after chairs to ever come out of Australia. The Contour range by Grant Featherston is probably the most collectable in terms of dollar-value, but the T21 swivel chair, is the most asked-for chair in iNVISeDGE. The Flerena design here is not asked for as much as the Tessa T21 only because there are VERY few around which means they’re virtually unknown. This 60’s design has all the hallmarks of the Tessa T21. It’s TIMELESS design but is vintage. These chairs are about 55 YEARS OLD (!) which means you have FULL ASSURANCE of the quality you’re getting before you fork out a cent. Just look at this suite after all these years!

The quality is brilliant and the comfort … OMG … after sitting in one of these chairs I never wanted to get up!

After a 50-year stint in the Australian Marketplace, making all their furniture in AUSTRALIA, Tessa Furniture (formerly FLER) Furniture died early this year. It’s a sorry state of affairs when an Australian business can no longer do what they do so well because of cheap imports destined to end up as landfill. And this is the very reason why Tessa went-under. Their designs are so well-made the second-hand market for FLER and Tessa pieces became more sought-after than new Tessa Furniture. And who can blame people going straight to the second-hand market for items like these? The QUALITY is so exceptional that second-hand pieces often look basically new after 30, even 50 years of use.

This suite was re-upholstered only a few years ago in a quality fabric (it looks like a Warwick Fabric to me). You’re getting something that looks close to new for a small fraction of the price of what T21 chairs sold for just before Tessa closed. The T21 design in quality-fabric sold for about AU $12,000 for a full suite like this in 2019! After the current discount is applied (written in April 2020 “pandemic”) you’ll be getting it for not much more than ONE-TENTH the price of something comparable that’s new– NOW is THE very best time to buy in the history of our business! We’d NEVER sell something of this esteem for anywhere near this price at ANY other time- we’ve NEVER discounted our prices after almost 20 years of trading! The cost of professional re-upholstery would be SIGNIFICANTLY MORE than this asking price.

Today in 2020, I believe chairs like this are the best furniture investment you can buy. EVERYONE seems to want Tessa T21 chairs at the moment (which this design is based on), items in this style (and quality) are NO LONGER in production so more people will hang onto theirs for a lifetime of enjoyment- less and less will be coming onto the secondary market in coming years. This design by FLER (Tessa’s predecessor) is just as collectable as Tessa’s T21 design but WAY cheaper because the design is relatively unknown. The QUALITY is the same, the DURABILITY is the same, the COMFORT the same but the investment appeal is not the same … it’s heaps STRONGER!

This suite is about 55 years old and look at it! No guessing the quality here. It’s been recently reupholstered by a professional and is ready for another lifetime of use. After much of the world’s mass produced furniture ends up as landfill, this suite will be passed onto another user and eventually a new generation. Now that Tessa (and FLER) Furniture is not made anymore, I can’t see any reason why this design (made in AUSTRALIA) won’t slowly increase to the value that Tessa T21 suites were selling for new (ie. around $12 000 for a full suite in this configuration). There’s no better way I can think of to invest in your home, the future of our environment and our local community.