
This suite has SOLD! This listing has been uploaded for people wishing to express interest in buying or selling a similar item through iNVISeDGE and for research purposes. Click on the links below. We only accept Jardan Furniture under consignment in contemporary and neutral colours and in excellent condition- message us for further details.


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Background Info and Provenance

(WRITTEN IN 2016. This suite (the 2.6m long sofa and the matching chair sold for $1800 in 2016.)

A lounge suite by Jardan of Australia with a stunning mid-century design and with a couple of Jardan labels- the sofa measures a HUGE 2.6m (4.5 seater). This listing also INCLUDES the single seater. This suite looks virtually the same as a popular Parker design from the 1960’s that fetches big dollars these days. The big advantage with this suite is that it’s much newer than Parker so the original fabric is still in excellent condition overall (and it’s Jardan so the quality of the build is at least as good as Parker). The upholstery on this suite is by Warwick Fabrics. Warwick is an Australian brand that carries a 10-YEAR GUARANTEE for quality. This suite is 13 years old. The construction of the frame also carries a 10-YEAR GUARANTEE by Jardan. Jardan’s motto is simple… Create a smaller footprint- a sustainable future. In doing so Jardan officially became a Carbon Neutral organization CERTIFIED by the Australian Government in 2014. Carbon neutral means that the net greenhouse gas emissions of Jardan is ZERO. Jardan is an Australian family-owned furniture business that’s been in operation since 1987. Jardan understand that there’s no machine that can truly replace the hand or eye. Therefore every Jardan piece is crafted to order in AUSTRALIA (Melbourne), with care and precision, BY HAND. When investing in a suite such as this the owner/owners are repaid through a lifetime of fulfilment. And this suite is ready for the second owners now- the original buyers have now moved into a retirement home.

… This is what you’re paying for- a lounge suite built to change hands over the years (like the good old days). Many lounges look similar (though not quite as classy as this). With this suite you’re paying for HONEST, MINDFUL workmanship. This suite was initially built for the original buyers at a cost of about $10 000. To be environmentally and socially conscious you need to pay the dollars… usually. Not here- forget the boutique price tag- this is about the same price you’ll pay in the “bargain basement” furniture stores where the bottom line is only the only thing that matters. What does it mean to invest in a socially-conscious product? Socially-conscious producers do things for the betterment of all people- as a collective- whereas bottom-line sellers are concerned mainly with themselves- their profit.

This is a high-end suite that ticks EVERY box and is a proud addition to iNVISeDGE. In my eyes it’s better than the similar Parker suite- mainly because it doesn’t have the 50 years of use Parkers have. This suite is 13 years old and the sofa in particular is in brilliant condition. Another advantage to this suite is the length of this sofa- perfect for big spaces and very hard to find- Parker didn’t make them this big! And .. I almost forgot. It’s COMFORTABLE. Jardan lounges are mindfully made from the initial planning stages right through to the final upholstery job … comfort has been carefully considered at every step along the way until the customer commissioning the job is sitting on the final product.

This is an investment towards what was done yesterday for our future tomorrow and for the right now! Thank you Jardan.