
PRICE-$475 for the Kartell Dr Na table only. The stools are priced SEPARATELY.

LOCATION- Morayfield, BRISBANE Northside. This listing has also been uploaded for research purposes and for people to express interest in buying or selling a similar item through iNVISeDGE. Go to our CONTACT page for further information. For all BUYING enquires, call us on the phone number provided on our CONTACT page. For SELLING enquiries, SMS us ONLY please.


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The Kartell Dr Na table is $475. (RRP NEW- AU $1220). The pictured stools are priced SEPARATELY.
Provenance and Background Info
(Written in 2022. Some information such as values will be time-sensitive.)
A Dr Na Table designed by the famous French designer, Phillipe Starck for Kartell. I was told by the previous owner they purchased this suite from SPACE Furniture about 20 years ago. (The pictured stools are not included in this price- we bought the blue ones from another estate- the light grey ones came with this table and we were told they were also purchased from SPACE Furniture.) This Kartell suite has resided on the balcony of a Gold Coast high-rise apartment near the beach for about 20 years … and this is how it now looks. I think that’s pretty-darn good for a modern OUTDOOR table.
I researched this design quite a bit before embarking on this listing. Online they have failed to say that what sets this table apart is the durability. (Perhaps this is just implied ?) These are incredibly well-constructed and VERY heavy. They were made for the contract sector (outdoor cafe use etc)- they stand up incredibly well to use and the elements (including salt air). This is why they’ve become a mainstay for Kartell for over 30 years and command AUD $1220 each at SPACE in Australia and USD $925 online in America (equivalent to $1439 AUD).
Standard outdoor tables are made of flimsy plastics- you’ve gone through 5 of them (all ending up as landfill) whilst this one still stands. After studying the construction carefully, I can see no reason why this piece won’t stand up to outdoor use forever (with normal use). You’d have to be ridiculously careless for anything to go wrong with it. The base and stem are thick die-cast aluminium (it can’t rust, even out in full weather). The aluminium stem is encased in thick polypropylene (with no joint area/s that I can see). The top is Scratch Resistant-Coated SMC. From my way of looking at it, the coating has not taken properly to part of the underside edge on this one (this is not really noticed when you’re actually standing up and looking down at the table but is noticed when you crouch down).
The table presents very well after 20 years of use (minor cosmetic issues only). As a whole it looks really good as the photos show. Over the decades, the Dr Na design by Kartell is holding up incredibly well- there have been no online complaints about them so Kartell keep on making them- simple as that.
After cheap, flimsy outdoor tables have ended up as landfill this piece of superior durability and a really pleasing aesthetic will be passed on to yet another owner (providing you use it with some sense)- a symbol that when something has been made well, it will live on. I saw a second-hand Kartell Dr Na table online in Europe for over AUD $3000 with two Kartell chairs- proof that the second-hand ones are also retaining their value. There is inherent value in them because of the materials used and the flawless quality of production. I can’t see this Kartell table losing any value in the future. There are no better ways I can see to invest in your home and reduce landfill (and support local business. iNVISeDGE is an Australian small business that supports other small family-owned, family-run businesses in our community).