
SOLD for $1895 in 2018. Let us know if you have a similar item you’d like to sell. Our commission fee is 5% to 18.5%.


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This sofa SOLD for $1895 in 2018.

Background and Provenance

(Description was written in 2017.)

A Warren McArthur 3-seater sofa (with seat cushions only) designed for the Biltmore Hotel, Arizona USA in 1933. There is a body of McArthur’s work in Australia made under license by Namco (mainly made in the 1940’s). Australia was the only country outside of the USA to be granted a license to produce his designs. Most of the McArthur pieces made in Australia are not highly sought-after but the Biltmore sofa is the exception and is the most sought-after McArthur design to come out of Oz. These are bloody rare here! This is the only Biltmore sofa I’ve come across in Australia after being in this business for 17 years.

Warren McArthur’s work is respected the world over. His designs were way ahead of their time and embraced by design buffs, celebrities and movie stars alike. You could put this sofa on the floor of Space Furniture today (upholstered in the right fabric) and it wouldn’t look out of place- this is an astonishing feat for something designed over 80 years ago.

I must admit when I first came across McArthur’s work I was a little confused by the hype and why people were paying $10 000+ for a single chair. I dug deeper on the internet and was floored by the repertoire of his work. (And his talent.) A website in America, Wright20 Auctions, has sold McArthur designs for about 15 years. Nearly all of the McArthur pieces I saw on their site were just awe-inspiring- I now understand why McArthur pieces fetch big $ and feel it is only going to keep increasing. He is easily one of the most creative designers the world has seen … and to imagine this design was done in the 1930’s! Google “Wright20 Warren McArthur”- their items also come with auction estimates.

It would be great if this sofa finds an Australian buyer but I am opening this up to American buyers. (An American buyer would need to book SEA FREIGHT at their end. In the USA you are going to have more options and cheaper prices than I will get in Australia. I’d say delivery to America would be about AU $1300 (about US $980. This is just an estimate. International buyers MUST organize their own shipping- do NOT ask me to do it because my answer will be no. I’d much prefer if this piece stays here in Australia.)

McArthur 3-seater sofas tend to be worth AU $10 000 to $15 000 in America so even with freight it’s still very cheap for something that’s basically impossible to find. It’s a bargain for Australian buyers and a brilliant investment. I’ve sold a pair of the single seaters twice for a LOT more than this. (And they are slightly easier to find but still bloody rare!)

Biltmore designs have stood the test of time in all ways possible. The construction is incredible- this is lightweight, strong and the frame (because its aluminum) will NEVER corrode- the curves and angles are sensational and still “pack a punch” 80 years later. After the majority of modern designer furniture has ended up as landfill this sofa from the 1940’s will only become more valued and prized. There are few better ways to invest in your home and reduce your carbon footprint.