
This listing price of AU $99 is for the blue and gold Freeform Murano piece only. (Shown in every photo.) This listing appears for research purposes and for regular sellers to express interest in selling similar art-glass pieces through iNVISeDGE. Our commission fee is 10% – 18.5% depending on the level of service your require. Enquire for more details on how to become a regular iNVISeDGE seller. This item can be posted WORLDWIDE at cost price plus $3 to cover the cost of storing clean, used packing material. We visit an electrical store and take away their clean discarded packing material before it becomes landfill.


Out of stock

The listing price is for the blue and gold leaf free-form Murano piece shown in every photo and is in AUSTRALIAN dollars. $99AUD is significantly less in American dollars.

Other pieces in the group photo still AVAILABLE-

Largest Blue & White Iridescent Vase (Blue Splash) SIGNED by Robert Eickholt USA- SEE SEPARATE iNVISeDGE Listing (Use the Search Box)- $340 AUD

White with Yellow Flowers Iridescent Vase by Richard Goulding OKRA UK SIGNED- To Be Decided (about $290 AUD)

Clear Electric-Blue Crystal Vase. c. 1950’s Swedish- $179 AUD (currently, this price is subject to change as I might find out more about it). It’s an absolute stunner and a real favourite here!

Please enquire if you have interest in any of the other art glass pieces shown in the group photos.

Background Info and Provenance

A stunning vintage art-glass piece with the original 1950’s blue and gold Murano art glass piece. (This listing price is for the smallest Murano piece only.) Exceptional vintage Murano is getting harder to get- anything that’s out of the ordinary is very sought-after. I LOVE this one! I found it at a time when I needed absolutely no more art glass but just couldn’t resist it. If you read any of my listings, you’ll know I very rarely say that the photos don’t do the piece justice but in this case I will VERY confidently make that statement. It’s definitely MUCH more incredible in person. I currently have it on a window-sill with lots of other amazing things in the same area- I find myself staring at this one a lot. It’s stunning- there’s no other word. The way the light shimmers through the piece (and plays off the gold) is mesmerizing.

This one incorporates all THREE techniques which bought Murano artists of the 1950’s so much acclaim. The gold-leaf adventurine technique is astounding. There’s so much gold in this one it glitters and shines. But what really makes for a truly captivating piece is the incorporation of the bullicante technique. This bubbling technique is used to perfection here. Just look at the way it plays with the gold leaf. What I love about the bullicante technique here is that it’s free-form (just like the shape). This adds to the appeal- this piece has an artistic flow you rarely see in art-glass (even in most other Murano art glass from the era). The bullicante seems to exaggerate the free-form shape and the overall spontaneity reflected here. I could go on but I’ll spare you lol …

I’m not sure who it’s by- it was certainly done by a Murano Master who operated in Murano, Italy in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Barovier & Toso comes to mind first. It really looks like their work to me but it’s hard to be sure. Alfredo Barbini has also come to mind and Fulvio Bianconi is an outside possibility. I don’t really care- I saw it on a shelf at an antique shop and it grabbed me immediately … and still does. But my art collection is always a revolving door. I can’t stay in business if I hold onto anything. (I’ve made a few allowances for small furniture pieces but my art glass collection comes and goes … like everything in life. Make no mistake though, this one will be missed when after gets passed onto the next “custodian”.)

Investing in VINTAGE Murano art glass is a smart way to go. VINTAGE art glass has sky-rocketed in value since COVID-lockdowns. Let’s hope something good comes out of COVID and people are inspired to HAND-create incredible ONE-OFF art glass pieces for us once again. There’s no better way I can think of to invest in your home and the future of our environment. Investing in VINTAGE pieces is an important way of reducing landfill and your carbon footprint. It’s a win for everyone including LOCAL SMALL business. Every time you invest in a vintage item offered by iNVISeDGE you’re also supporting various SMALL family-run LOCAL businesses.

The price of this Murano piece is subject to change depending on my stock situation. Also vintage art glass has been increasing value quickly over the last couple of years. It is likely that values will continue to appreciate as well.