
Guido Gambone Pottery Pitcher- AUD $550 which is APPROX USD $370 depending on the current conversion rate. Google- aud to usd to find out instantly. AVAILABLE for sale from North Brisbane but can be posted WORLDWIDE.


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This listing is for the RED, BROWN, YELLOW Guido Gambone Pitcher only (Guido Gambone Pitcher- AUD $550 which is APPROX USD $370). Other pieces have been shown to get a relative feel for the size and colour of the piece for sale. The others are available SEPARATELY through iNVISeDGE- contact us for details.

Background Info and Provenance

A RED, BROWN & YELLOW Pitcher created BY HAND in the 1950’s by Guido Gambone of Italy. This is one of his early pieces. There’s a similar one on-line at the moment in America on 1st Dibs- listed for $4000- the seller has since come down to $3200. Guido Gambone worked in Italy in the 1950’s and 1960’s and his work is highly collectable. Collectors are drawn to it because of the huge repertoire of designs he created. Unlike Bitossi’s work where the same design was regularly produced in the thousands Gambone’s pieces are often one-off pieces or produced in small runs. Gambone’s output spanned over a decade but it’s the range of creative designs that won such high praise- he just kept creating different ideas. Google, Guido Gambone and do a short trawl and you’ll be captivated.

I love the shape of this piece. I’m of the impression that Gambone was the first to create a shape like this. The West German’s later created similar pitchers that also became design classics. This shape by Gambone was ahead of its time- it paved the way for the future. Gambone was not afraid to venture into new territory which is why his work went on to become so highly celebrated.

There are very few Gambone pieces in Australia- I bought this in from Europe. You can feel the HAND-MADE quality of vintage Gambone and this is something you rarely come across anymore.

The real beauty of owning vintage Italian pottery is knowing these hand-made pieces won’t be in vogue for a few years or even just one season before ending up in the bin- this piece has survived over 50 years already and is set to last another 50 or more. There are very few better ways to invest in your home and reduce your carbon footprint. (This listing is for the RED, YELLOW & BROWN PITCHER shown in the middle of the group photos only.)