
This PAIR of chairs SOLD immediately for $395 THE PAIR in 2005! This listing has been uploaded for research purposes and for people to express interest in buying OR SELLING a similar item through iNVISeDGE. (However we’d only accept these as a set of 4 or more these days unless you’ve been chosen as a regular iNVISeDGE seller.) Email or SMS us if you have chairs like this that you’d like to SELL. The value of these chairs has increased significantly since they sold in 2005. Our commission fee is 5% to 18.5% to sell an item like this on your behalf.


Out of stock


This PAIR of chairs SOLD immediately for $395 in 2005. The value of these chairs has increased significantly since we sold them through iNVISeDGE in 2005. This listing has been uploaded for people to express interest in buying OR SELLING a similar item through iNVISeDGE. Our commission fee is 5% to 18.5% to sell an item like this on your behalf however I’d only accept these as a set of 4 or more these days (unless you’ve been chosen as a regular iNVISeDGE seller).

Background Info and Provenance

(The first part of this description was written when this pair were first sold in 2005. The second part is an add-on written in 2018.)

This very rare PAIR of Casala fibreglass chairs is a design classic that would complement a modern or retro space area perfectly. With a minimalist chrome and glass outdoor table Casala chairs look amazing especially in the under-covered area of a city apartment. Casala chairs are particularly hot at the moment and I have fought for several sets in the last 15 months but have had to let them go as the prices were becoming outrageous. (Again, written in 2005.) I have heaps of fun photographing Casala chairs- they look striking from any angle and are just as sensational looking in person. I’ve recently seen a set of 8 white Casala chairs in an inner-city bar with different coloured lights shining on them and they looked so cool! Designed in the 1960’s by Alexander Begge in Germany, the Casala chair has a stunning shape that still looks “cutting-edge” today. That’s timelessness for you! This PAIR, each has the “Casala” embossed maker’s label on the back and is constructed from fibreglass so they’ll last for many years to come. The BLUE colour is extremely rare– to be honest I’ve only ever seen two blue ones in the whole time I have been doing this (and here they are!).

2018 Update

I’ve seen a handful of blue Casala chairs since this pair sold in 2005 (written in 2018)- the blue ones are ridiculously rare. I’d love a set of 6 blue ones for a current styling job I’m doing- the effect would be mind-blowing! They’d be brilliant to add personality and style to a bland modern apartment. I sold these chairs in 2005 before replica furniture flooded the market and sold them in iNVISeDGE for $395 the pair. These days (despite replicas in similar styles) I’d price these at MORE than this however I’d only sell them as a set of 2 or more these days. This is a special Casala set because of the colour- I doubt they’ll do replicas in blue PLUS the originals will always fetch more than replicas because the quality is irrefutable- look at these chairs after 40+ years of outdoor use! Replica Casala chairs cost more than this but they’re made in China where cutting corners is the only thing you can rely on. Buying vintage furniture is a great investment (it nearly always increases in value if you buy smartly). On top of this, these chairs were built to last so you’re reducing landfill and you’re doing your bit for the environment PLUS when you buy pre-loved furniture in Australia you’re supporting Aussie small businesses just like iNVISeDGE!

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