
This pair SOLD through iNVISeDGE for $995 back in 2015! This listing has been uploaded into iNVISeDGE for research purposes and for people to express interest in buying or selling a similar item through iNVISeDGE. Click on the links below to express your interest.


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(Written in 2015)

A PAIR single-seater Tessa T9 lounge chairs from the mid-1970’s. (Price is for 2 chairs.) The T9 model is possibly the rarest of all the T-series and in my opinion one of the best. I rate the T9 above the much-celebrated T4 series. The T9 is more comfortable than the T4. You’re well supported in the T9’s- the angles are great for comfort plus there’s plushness as well. This is a great sitting chair- perfect for conversation or watching TV. The T9 also strongly competes with the T4 in looks and for some people it surpasses the T4. The styling of this pair is more restrained and minimalist but this does not equal boring. Look at the curves- sinewy and flowing- the T9 has a style all of its own. It reminds me of a gymnast’s ribbon in motion. This to me it’s the epitome of stylishness and grace with confidence as well. These chairs won’t dominate your space allowing a more-balanced lay-out.

The comfort box is ticked- the looks box ticked- which leaves durability and investment. Another two ticks. Because they’re Tessa the durability of the construction is assured. Research Tessa on-line for a few minutes and you’ll see that Tessa developed its reputation because of top-quality construction. A pair of T4s retail for $4800 NEW today- Tessa can only ask such a sum because people know their furniture lasts…. Why am trying to convince you of this? Just look at the condition after about 40 years of use! The T9 is no longer produced and had a very short production run in the 70’s- T9’s are one of the rarest of all Tessa furniture making them a great investment. When researching this listing I found only one pair on-line but not for sale. They were in the sold inventory of an upmarket store in Melbourne.

And yet there’s even more positives. The covers zip off so they can be put in the washing machine. Wool and fabric upholstery would be a good choice here. (Just return the covers to the cushions when they’re still damp to prevent shrinkage.) These covers also make re-upholstery easy. Simply take the old covers with new fabric to anyone with a sewing machine. The ladies who sit in the back of dry cleaning shops doing alterations could even do these (or people who sew curtains). The chairs don’t even need to leave your house. This means re-upholstery at any time is cheap and easy.

Buying vintage furniture that has already stood the test of time is, in my opinion, the best way to invest in your home and reduce your carbon footprint. Tessa has told stories for about 50 years and will continue to tell stories well after you and I have left. (This description was written in 2017. Any values given apply to 2015 and may have since changed.)

Ref- about 1801