
This sofa SOLD in 2007 for $1550! Today in 2019 I’d price it at more. This listing has been uploaded for research purposes and for people to express interest in buying or selling a similar item through iNVISeDGE. Go to our CONTACT page to find our contact phone number.


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Background Info and Provenance

(Written in 2007)

NOTE– I sold this piece through iNVISeDGE for $1550 in 2007. If I found this exact piece again I’d price it at more.

Background Info and Provenance

What a fantastic piece! This 2-SEATER lounge has a classic 1950’s design that has drawn a lot of positive attention in my showroom. I have had it suggested that it might be a Featherston piece- it’s NOT. It’s funny how people decide that any lounge with a fantastic 50’s design must be done by Grant Featherston. I am not certain of the designer but am strongly inclined to say it was done by Paul Kafka, a Sydney boutique maker from the 1950’s. English G-Plan also springs to mind but I don’t think it is. I feel this design rivals Featherston’s work but doesn’t have the same price tag. The equivalent Featherston piece is valued at about $8000+. Classic 1950’s pieces have broad appeal and very solid investment appeal. Authentic 1950’s retro furniture has enjoyed everlasting popularity and the fun carefree designs of the 1950’s are set to be with us for a long time to come. This piece boasts top-quality construction and was built to last. Why buy furniture of questionable quality when these pieces have already proven themselves for over 50 years? Also, this is the exact lounge that was chosen to be shown in the 2008 Edition of Celebrity Homes magazine- if you buy this lounge you should get yourself a copy of this magazine!

Today in 2019 I’m basically certain this was done by Paul Kafka. I have sold another Paul Kafka lounge more recently. That listing should have more information about Paul Kafka and his work. Use the SEARCH box on our website to find similar listings and more information.