

THE LISTED PRICE DID NOT INCLUDE THE SEAT PADS or the matching circular table. This listing has also been uploaded for research purposes and for people to express interest in buying or selling a similar dining suites. Use the links below.


Out of stock

This full suite is being sold UNDER CONSIGNMENT from a regular iNVISeDGE seller in GEELONG. Delivery was organised for our buyer in Melbourne during Stage 4 lock-down in August 2020. This suite took 3 weeks to sell (during pretty challenging times!).

This listing price is for FOUR (4) Spun Fibreglass dining chairs ONLY (it did NOT include the custom-made seat pads). Enquire if you’re interested in the seat pads (as they’re still available). $25 each. 

Provenance and Background Information

This stunning SET OF 4 of outdoor chairs are made in the same style of the famous Russell Woodard designs created in America in the 1960’s. This VINTAGE Australian production is of the same era (1960’s) and also made from spun fibreglass which is thick and solid. This furniture is VERY strong and sturdy- I’ve never come across any with a structural problem- that’s extraordinary for something that has gone out in full weather for almost 60 years. With sensible use I can’t see why this furniture won’t last forever. I’ve been a huge fan of this vintage spun fibreglass furniture in the 19 years I’ve been doing this but this is only the second set of it I’ve ever had to sell- it’s quite hard to come by.

When I was recently set with the task of styling a beach-side apartment (shown in several of the photos), spun fibreglass furniture for the outdoor areas was the obvious choice. In my opinion it’s the best outdoor furniture EVER made- it sits at the pinnacle, alongside Flexalum furniture. It’s super-DURABLE, it doesn’t collect water so it won’t discolour after rain, it’s resistant to the sun, salt-spray and also wind to a large extent- there’s a lot of negative space between fibreglass strands so the wind tends to pass straight through (the wide bases also add to the stability). I had a pair of spun fibreglass chairs without the arms on the balcony of the apartment shown in the photos- they blew over only twice in about 3 years- the plants blew over more than that! The armchairs were placed in an alcove on the rooftop terrace (they’re under the shade-cover in the aerial photo that was taken to sell this apartment). That shade-cover was installed for the sale of the property- the armchairs never blew over in that outdoor alcove- for something so lightweight spun fibreglass furniture also does extremely well in the wind.

Apart from the incredible looks, the biggest tick for these is comfort. As far as outdoor chairs go these are some of the most comfortable I’ve ever sat in- the angles are spot-on, the strands are close together so you’re well supported and if you put a high-density seat-pad on the seat they’re extremely comfortable (the seat pads are NOT included in the price but available separately- they were custom-made in Australia). When I was at the apartment shown in the photos, I often used one of these chairs as my office chair because it was more comfortable than the Warren McArthur dining chairs I had in the apartment.

The other advantage with these is that they’re easy to move around- they’re lightweight PLUS they will never get dented, scratched or broken.

This furniture is in the original ivory colour. This is the colour of the actual fibreglass. Some people re-spray this furniture (sometimes in black and often in white). In my opinion black doesn’t suit the design. And I don’t understand why people spray it white either- vivid white is too brash for the design. The ivory colour (which is basically a muted white) is perfect in my eyes. The beauty of the design is that it’s transparent- it’s not bold and won’t block off your space (it just adds a stunning touch to your area). Spraying it white means the design stands out more (when it doesn’t need to)- the ivory allows it to blend into your space easier. You’ll see that the chairs on the balcony are not the same colour as any of the other furniture in this space but it works well- ivory is neutral, white is not (it’s modern and clinical). Plus if you re-spray this furniture there is constant upkeep- the white paint will eventually peel off. You’ll have to scrub them down (which is not fun!) and start all over again.

These chairs are in fully original condition. If outdoor furniture can look like this after 60 years, the quality you’ll be getting is irrefutable. I’ve had one of the matching tables in the past that had the old “We make it great in the Sunshine State” logo. It reminds me of my childhood. I’m a 1970’s Brisbane kid and this logo was used extensively on items made in Queensland in the 1960’s. The best thing about investing in vintage spun fibreglass furniture is the inspiration it evokes- it ticks every box and provides a benchmark for modern companies to work towards. This suite was built to last and will continue telling stories long after you and I are gone. There’s no better way to invest in your home and reduce landfill.

… And I almost forgot these chairs also have very solid investment appeal. Spun fibreglass furniture sells for way over double (and triple) this price in America. (See the screenshot provided.) It can only increase in value here in Australia in the future. iNVISeDGE … (envisage) A better way to buy for your home!

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