

All iNVISeDGE prices are in AUSTRALIAN dollars (AUD $350) is significantly less in American dollars. This piece is in North BRISBANE (Australia) but can be posted internationally for the cost of postage plus $3 for packing and the storage of used packing materials. We regularly pick up clean packing materials from an electrical store before it ends up as landfill. Contact us if have any Bitossi animals you want to sell. Our commission fee is 7.5% to 18.5% when your item sells to use iNVISeDGE as a selling platform (18.5% for private sellers. 7.5% for selected dealers).


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All iNVISeDGE prices are in AUSTRALIAN dollars (AUD $350) is significantly less in American dollars. 2021- AU$350 is worth about $255 Australian.

Background Info and Provenance

A VINTAGE Bitossi penguin money-box made in Italy in the late 1950’s or early 1960’s. He measures 22cm in height and is marked to the base with Italy and the design number. In my opinion this piece is bigger than the photos make him look- it’s one of the largest Bitossi pieces I’ve had. This is a VINTAGE Bitossi piece, MADE BY HAND (by artists in Italy) in the 1950’s/60’s. There have been re-issues of Bitossi pieces but they are nothing like the vintage originals. The new ones are essentially plaster poured into a mould (a machine could do it and does). They don’t have the hand-made quality of the vintage pieces. The new ones look mass-produced. The re-issues have found their way into Australia and there are ebay/Marketplace sellers labelling them as “authentic” and “retro”- they are copies of the original vintage pieces. I’ve seen a new dachshund recently bid up to $300 Australian on ebay. The vintage ones are worth AUD $300 because they have been made by hand. The newer ones have a current retail value of about $160 because they were/are mass-produced by machines. THIS IS AN ORIGINAL VINTAGE BITOSSI PIECE- IT’S 100% GUARANTEED VINTAGE. This shape has not been re-issued- there are NO new ones around in the penguin money-box design.

VINTAGE Bitossi pieces were all done by hand- the incisions on the outside, the paint decoration and the moulding were done by the hands of an artist making every Bitossi piece individualistic (and full of heart and soul). Designed by Aldo Londi and created by the world-famous Italian firm Bitossi, these animals captured the attention of the world and cemented Bitossi’s already world-wide reputation. To my knowledge, Bitossi pieces were never retailed in Australia back in the 1960’s- they’re incredibly rare here and much-loved by Australian collectors. Bitossi animals in Australia are about 30 times rarer than America.

This piece is marked- this helps guarantee its vintage. ALL the new ones have an impression on the underside (in the mould). Many of the vintage Bitossi animals were NOT marked. It is hard to find one with the vintage marking underneath. Bitossi bulls are currently fetching $1000+ in vintage design shops in Australia- my last bull sold immediately through the iNVISeDGE website for $770. The penguin is RARE- rarer than nearly every animal- it’s the first penguin money-box I’ve seen.

The real beauty of owning vintage Bitossi is knowing it won’t be in vogue for a season or even a couple of years before ending up as landfill. The hand-made quality of these pieces draws people in- the heart and soul that comes through will continue to speak to people regardless time period, age and background. This piece has survived 50 years and is more popular than ever. There are very few better ways to invest in your home and our environment.