

SOLD to Marcello in the first 3 days this was listed! Priced at AU $2090. LOCATION- Morayfield, Brisbane Northside. Our prices are in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS- significantly less in American dollars. This listing also appears for research purposes and to express interest in buying or SELLING similar designer chairs. Use the links below.


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SOLD for Marcello in the first 3 days this was listed!

NOTE- all our prices are in Australian dollars (this chair is roughly $1500 AMERICAN). Located in our Morayfield depot, Brisbane Northside but delivery can be arranged Australia-wide. Professional furniture freight of this chair to Sydney would be about $180. International buyers need to arrange their own freight at this stage but we will help out in any way we can. 

Provenance and Background Info

Certainly, the coolest swivel chair I’ve stocked in many years (and bound to be the coolest chair in your house!)- this one ticks all the boxes. It’s an authentic VINTAGE piece (I’d say 1960’s) but still very timeless in looks and style. I could see this on the showroom floor of SPACE furniture today and still look the part. The thing is though, you’ll never see anything like it again. After 20 years in this business, I’ve NEVER seen one of these before- not even in a photo whilst researching international websites. Rare is an understatement. The design has to be highly-esteemed but no matter what search words I put into “Google Images” I can’t find a photo of this design anywhere. It may be an Australian design but I doubt it- if it was Australian, I’m sure I would have stumbled across it long ago (I ONLY source stock found in Australia and always have. We have plenty of inspiring stuff here already- I don’t need to fill up containers in Europe and bring them here!) I’d say this chair was bought into Australia when someone emigrated to Australia. It’s probably Italian but that’s just my guess only.

The biggest selling point here is the COMFORT. It’s AWESOME! Like floating in a cloud of softness. Heaps of padding but it also has perfect angles for seating comfort and really generous proportions which means you can find your own comfort and curl up in this chair in many ways. You can also rest your head over the padded top of the chair- pure bliss! I’d say you’d be able to fall asleep in this one too but it’s perfect for sitting though … reading books, Netflix marathons … this will become your “go-to chair” but if there are others in your house, I’d say you’ll have to fight them for it! Everyone who visits will want a go! The swivel feature adds to the comfort (and quirkiness) too.

Comfort comes up trumps here but make no mistake it ticks every other box too (and resoundingly so). It’s obviously very durable- I’d say it’s 60 years old- look at the QUALITY! And there’s no way this chair has never been sat in over the years- how could you possibly resist it?! The velvet is brilliant and this is the biggest reason I bought it. It’s the ORIGINAL VINTAGE covering and look at it! So hardy- as tough as nails. VINTAGE velvet is so easy to keep clean. Just a damp cloth is all it needs and marks wipe straight off. I cleaned this on the front before taking the photos. It was a hot day and did it in my cramped container and forgot to check the back. (I haven’t tried cleaning off any of the feint marks on the back yet- I’d say most will come off. When I get back home in a few weeks, I’ll give it a go… if it doesn’t sell before then!)

The fabric is a big part of the reason I fell over myself to buy this one (I bought it within 10 minutes of seeing it and it wasn’t cheap). If I needed a chair for myself it wouldn’t be going anywhere- I LOVE it). I like that it’s soft upholstery and not leather or vinyl- vintage velvet is great but usually in colours I don’t like. In brown- this would be pretty ugly. This muted pistachio colour suits the design to a T. This is earthy and neutral but still very vintage in looks. It’s quite light in colour too and being velvet there’s a lot of light reflection as well which further pares back the colour and allows the amazing shape of the chair to be the hero; not the upholstery. With a design like this you need the upholstery to settle back into the background. Not only has the designer nailed the shape, the makers have chosen the perfect upholstery- DURABLE and a great neutral colour (and NOT “boring beige”!) Even cream in this design would be boring- it needs a of pop of colour.

I could keep harping on about this one- I’ll spare you. In wrapping up, I need to say this is an amazing investment opportunity as well. Yes, it’s not cheap but for what it is, certainly not expensive. If I could find a designer for it, I have no doubt it’d fetch about double this. It’s based on the famous “Elda” chair by Joe Colombo (c. 1963). Elda chairs fetch about US$15,000 (that’s over $20,000 Australian!). I like this chair just as much. Elda chairs are always in leather- I like that this one is a soft fabric and it’s wider than a Elda too. The investment appeal here is a no-brainer. Please don’t ask for ‘my best price’. “MY best price” for this chair would be $6000 :+)

Investing in items that have been built to last is our only way forward (we can’t keep consuming the earth’s resources the way we are). This vintage designer swivel chair is not only an astute investment for your home but investing in vintage items helps reduce landfill. This chair has already serviced several generations and is set to continue telling stories well after you and I have gone.