
This PAIR of lamps SOLD through iNVISeDGE for AU$240 THE PAIR back in 2013. Note that our prices are in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS- $240 AU is significantly less in American dollars. Today in 2020 if I ever found the exact same thing I’d price them at $295 THE PAIR or possibly a but more- very cool and you will never come across something like them again. If you have interest in creating pieces like this for iNVISeDGE please get in contact with us!


Out of stock

This PAIR of lamps SOLD through iNVISeDGE for AU$240 THE PAIR back in 2013. Note that our prices are in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS- $240 AU is significantly less in American dollars. Today in 2020 if I ever found the exact same thing I’d price them at $295 THE PAIR or possibly a bit more- very cool and you will never come across something like them again. KEEP FOLLOWING OUR NEWLY LISTED Category because this is the type of thing I’m always trying to get. If you have interest in creating pieces like this for iNVISeDGE please get in contact with us!

Background Information/Provenance

LOVE this PAIR of lamps. This is a ONE-OF-A-KIND designer item created by an unknown Sydney artist. This pair was auctioned along with a few other unique and incredible lamps that each used vintage spare-parts for the production of new items. This pair was created using four hubcaps from a vintage VW volkswagen. I know nothing about the age of these hubcaps but they look old-school to me (maybe 1960’s- in my quick research they fit a couple of vintage VW beetles and kombi vans from that era). They are authentic and have come off a car- they have all the dents, scrapes and marks you’d expect from hubcaps that have been taken off a car. Out of the thousands of items I’ve sold over the last 10 years these are stand-out in my opinion. They just work. They attract attention, they’re quirky, unique, tell a story and the creativity shown in their conception is brilliant. I’ve never seen anything like them before and I don’t think I’ll see any like them again. To get a set of vintage VW hubcaps alone is no easy feat let-a-lone having the ability to design and make the design come to life.

If you love VW’s or just something interesting and quirky you’d be very hard pressed to find anything cooler.

One-off artist pieces have obvious investment appeal. This PAIR has a designer edge and an industrial feel- in the years I ran my business in Sydney items like this were snapped up by interior designers, set designers and artists. Because they are also made from salvaged parts you’d be also very hard pressed to find a better investment in our environment.